Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WEEK 12: the end

1. Find an article on affiliate marketing. What is the difference between affiliate marketing and PPC (Pay per click) marketing and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Affiliate marketing is when an organisation pays an affiliate (another person or company) for each person or customer who is brought to the organisation's site because of the affiliate's marketing. Advantages can be that merchants like affiliate marketing because in most cases, it uses a "pay for performance" scheme which means that the merchant isn't charged marketing expenses, apart from the initial cost. Disadvantages include that affiliate marketing isn't easily scalable.

Pay per click marketing is when advertisers pay their host when their advertisement is clicked on. Advertisers usually bid on keywords or phrases with search engines to ensure that whenever their key word is typed in, their organisation's website is at the top of the list of website. Advantages include that this marketing pays for performance and with the right placing; it can drive a large volume of traffic to one particular site. Disadvantages include that the pay per click model can be abused through people continuously clicking on the advertisement but not actually wanting to view the website, just to increase the number of clicks.

2. How is CRM relevant to affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketers are always on the lookout for ways in which to improve the relationships they have with their customers. Customer Relationship Management uses technical tools and systems to improve their customer relations and gain repeat customers. Therefore, affiliate marketers should aim to ensure that their organisation is as friendly as possible, which is where an appropriate CRM system can help.

3. Where does viral marketing fit into this mix? For an example check out the 'Obama girl'. Who/what is the purpose of the Obama girl. Find your own links for this one!

It is purely a hot girl being associated with Barack O'bama. Sex sells, marketers know this. (she sure is hot though)

4. In the powerpoint presentation there is a link to Overture which was a 'key word' search tool. You will find that it is no longer there - one of the ongoing issues with web resources. Yahoo bought Overture and shut it down. Do your own search and see if you can find an alternative to Overture. Also see the discussion page and share your thoughts there.

I typed in: Overture alternatived, read 2 comments on a forum and then landed on: which is relatively similar. Gotta love the forums.

5. What is dmoz? Read about dmoxz in wikipedia. What seach engines use dmox? I have a personal online book business called OZRURAL. Is it listed in dmoz

DMOZ is an open content directory of the world wide web links. It is owned by a company called Netscape, however it was constructed and is maintained by volunteers. Search engines such as Google, AOL search and Netscape search use dmoz. OZRUAL is listed in dmoz.

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